Thursday, July 13, 2006

And It Burns, Burns, Burns...

Did I ever reveal that Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" was playing in my head when I gave birth to Emma? I didn't have an epidural.

Two years ago, I decided that I was now ready to be married. Luckily I already was, so there was no need for anything fancy. Now I've decided that I want children. Not that I didn't want the other two, but I had very little say in the matter. Emma was actually a greater shock than Gwennie.

I don't have a biological clock, thank goodness. I'm pretty much sure that I will be fertile well into my forties. Possibly my 50s. My family seems to be Natural Born Breeders. That's a good thing though because along with the personality disorders comes great genius and low productivity. Just the kind of person society needs, and I insist upon doing my share which should be at least four when all is said and done.

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