Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I Do Not Have A Fecal Obsession

Zelda: "I have to leave for work in a few minutes. I insist that you do me."

Jethro: "I can't. I have to take a dump."

Zelda: "Bullshit. Butch up there, cowboy and git 'er done. I can have sex when I have to poop."

Jethro: "You couldn't the other day."

Zelda: "Sometimes I can't, but sometimes I can."

Jethro: "Well sometimes I can too, but now isn't one of them."


Zelda: "Do we know too much about each other now?"

Jethro: *avoiding eye contact* "Yes."


David Amulet said...

I am now placing this post in my "Conversations I hope To Never Have" file.

Thanks for the laugh, though!

-- david

Zelda said...

I have them all, so you don't have to. Glad you can laugh. You have a great blog.

Sam said...

OMG!! That was too funny. I've been laughing for a few minutes now, and finally calmed down enough to comment.

Always memorable, that's for sure. :D


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for you to age 10 or 15 years. If your conversations are pithy and amusing now, they'll probably be drop dead/my-belly-aches-from-laughing funny in the future. So very many *weirder* things happen as you age.

Zelda said...

Sam - Always glad to make you smile.

bc - I sure do hope so. Nothing is better than older folks bantering.

Zelda said...

Yeah, I just laughed my ass off.
dick | Homepage | 03.22.06 - 4:06 pm | #


I really hope that's a conversation I'll never have. However, with the way conversations between the cabana boy and myself usually go, I have a feeling something just as strange will come up someday.

Thanks for the laugh!
O.G. | Homepage | 03.22.06 - 5:32 pm | #


He has all day to take a dump!! What kind of excuse is that, really?
Jen | Homepage | 03.22.06 - 9:04 pm | #


Inanna | Homepage | 03.22.06 - 9:40 pm | #


I found this post very disturbing.

Very. Disturbing.
Jack | Homepage | 03.23.06 - 12:23 am | #


Ohhh, I love poop conversations! Especially with a sexual undertone. Although, it wasn't so undertoned was it?
Jeanette | Homepage | 03.23.06 - 3:21 am | #


You guys are too funny...can't wait to meet you both!
ALa | Homepage | 03.23.06 - 10:53 am | #


Dick - NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not the ass.

OG - I fear it's unavoidable. Haha. I said "void."

Jen - I mean really.

Nanner -

Jack - I was thinking of you when I wrote it. I am now staring at the screen. My eyes are very wide and I am smiling.

Jeanette - See response to Jack.

ALa - It will happen. I just know it.
Zelda | Homepage | 03.23.06 - 2:19 pm | #


*sticks fingers in ears* La la la la la, I'm NOT reading la la la la la.....
Kristin | 03.23.06 - 2:49 pm | #


Yes you aaaaaaare! Ha haha haha ha!
Zelda | Homepage | 03.23.06 - 4:42 pm | #


ha ha haaa! POOOOOP!
Jeanette | Homepage | 03.23.06 - 10:24 pm | #
