Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Chronic Tardiness

I was late bringing Gwennie to school twice last week. The second time I was only late by 1 minute (I'm not even kidding) and they made me sign her in and they gave her a tardy slip and made her sit out 10 minutes at recess, even though it was my fault. I asked if they couldn't just let it slide this once, since I was responsible, and the front desk cows said it was out of their control. I said, "fine" (huffily), and wrote down "Mommy started her period" as the reason we were late. I won't lie. My goal was to irritate the "Powers That Be." Didn't happen. The front desk ladies have earned my good-side by reading it and cracking up. Not quite the shocked and appalled reaction I was hoping for, but gratifying nonetheless.

I have been accused by Johnny5 of being a Republican. He's right. I'm not registered as such because I am not a gigantic supporter of a two-party system. If the absolute honest truth were to be told, I don't care for most Republicans on a personal level. I find them snobbish and unappealing. On the flip side, I also don't care for most Democrats on a personal level. I find them shrill, paranoid, and mind-numbingly hypocritical. But I absolutely adore Libertarians. Real Libertarians though, not the crackheads who want to legalize drugs and kiddie porn. No, no. If the Libertarians could get it together and go after the laws that really criminalize ordinary people (such as speeding tickets and seat belt laws for adults), they would have a whole lot more support from me. Instead they want to focus on drug laws. I see the point, but it is so far down on my list of priorities that I can't support them.

This topic is probably better suited to my
politics blog. It's harder to keep them separated than it may seem.


Jammie J. said...

Good grief, woman. I laughed until I cried when I read your first paragraph. Thanks. I needed that. (still laughing).

jp said...

You should have written down, "Mommy was getting laid" as the reason she was late.

jp said...
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Zelda said...

Jeanette - Thanks. I aim to amuse.

jp - Next time.

Gooch said...

I kid you not - I've changed my registration somewhere around 4 times. I don't want either party thinking I'm blindly loyal

Jenny said...

OMG I laughed out loud at your post! That was great! I love your bluntness. I think I need to get a little more of an attitude with my children's school.

nita said...

my crazy mother used to write 'none of anyone's business' and then say right in front of the office staff; they're just nosey bitches. who cares why you're late? jesus christ on a crutch.

my childhood was funny from the outside!

Zelda said...

Gooch - I know what you're saying. I have registered as an independant just so I'm not taken for granted. I have a personal litmus test that candidates must pass or they will not get my vote. Except for Presidential candidates. I will choose the lesser of all evils. Always.

Jenny - I wouldn't recommend being too assertive with the front desk gals. Those poor bitches are just trying to make a living. But you can find out who's drinking from the teachers' union kool-aid. They're fair game.

Nita - Your mom sounds hysterical! My poor mom would just grovel in humiliation.

Trashman said...

Gotta respect that excuse.

Jammie J. said...

Why is this post's text color suddenly purple?

Zelda said...

Angi - There's no good reason to get into it if you don't have to. I'm just a contentious person who is difficult to get along with, especially on mornings when I have started my period.

Trashman - That is the excuse that have kept women exactly where they are for millenia. It is ageless.

Jeanette - No good reason. I'm just trying to find a way to make the post easier to read.

Fresh said...

Dang, the little darling's school IS really tough! Geeze, she had to sit out from recess? That sucks!