Monday, October 18, 2004

Jethro's and My Very Laid-Back Relationship

Sometimes I think Jeth and I were frat brothers in a former life. Case in point, our Friday evening: We put the kids to bed and stayed up half the night drinking rum and cokes and playing one of the goofy penguin games Fleece got us addicted to. It was the one where the Yeti uses a flamingo as a golf club and the penguin as the ball. We had a fine time getting smashed and bashing the penguin, screaming "mulligan!" when the first hit didn't go the right way (which, obviously, happened more and more often the more we drank).

We woke up the next day thoroughly hungover, and went fishing (even though Jethro should have been studying).

I swear. If I were a boy, Jethro would be gay.


Jenny said...

LOL! Sounds like my hubby and I. Our favorite is Donkey Kong racing on Nintendo 64. We like to compete against each other. We already decided to find a new game when he gets back. Maybe something for the PS2 or Game Cube.

Jammie J. said...

Yeah. Considering Jethro's most recent post it's on his mind, too. LOL. Isn't it the best when you live with your best friend?

Anonymous said...

Gay Jethro? This goes perfectly with Dr. Jethro's last post.


You guys ROCK!

Zelda said...

It is weird, Vader. It wasn't even planned.

Thanks, Kat

Jeanette - Yeah it rocks.

Anonymous said...

On : 10/18/2004 5:28:43 PM angi (www) said:

That's the best part of being married, you don't have to do the fancy stuff anymore. You can be as laid back as you want, and still have fun.


On : 10/18/2004 7:45:31 PM Jack Smynde (www) said:

Baby, if you were a guy, a lot of guys would be gay.


On : 10/18/2004 8:58:32 PM Inanna (www) said:

Yeah, I'm still wondering if I should switch teams!! nahhhh... you guys rock though!


On : 10/19/2004 12:04:21 AM Johnnie Walker (www) said:

I am all warm and fuzzy now.


On : 10/19/2004 9:11:31 AM Jethro (www) said:

Inanna - You wouldn't dare be so terrible as to deprive man of your special talents. No member of the other team could appreciate that the way men can. Bite your tongue.


On : 10/19/2004 1:02:25 PM Inanna (www) said:

Yikes... sorry Jeth *rubs toe on floor*


On : 10/20/2004 2:20:47 PM Fleece (www) said:

hahahahahaha!!! I love it. And Jethro...still no beating score for the reigning Penguin Tossing champ, Lovisa?


On : 10/20/2004 7:45:10 PM jethro (www) said:

Not yet Fleece, I'll have to try this weekend. I've had midterms all week.


On : 10/30/2004 6:28:27 AM emilyohyes (www) said:

My boy said a few months ago,
"I'd want you just as much even if you were a bloke...sometimes I wish we could change sexes for a session or two"
