Thursday, August 26, 2004

I'm going to KILL JP.

My two day dry spell was broken last night and it was quite lovely except for one slight glitch.

When I start having sex, my mind flips through it's roladex of kinky ideas and focuses in on one, until I get good and going and then my mind goes blank and I am reduced to primal....... Nevermind.

Well, as I was flipping throught the mental roladex, the completely unbidden and unwanted image of JP shagging a shag carpet between a girl's legs came to mind. Complete with splooge puddle. It almost cost me dearly. I had to laugh, and start all over. Very annoying.


jp said...

Woo hoo!!!! I've finally been in bed with Zelda!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!

Traci Dolan said...

Ew. Not JP. The splooge pool. Ew.

Zelda said...

Yes. The puddle of splooge. And Jethro asked me afterwords what was so funny. I told him, and strangely enough, he said that it had popped into his head too right before we started. We've been married too long.

jp said...

See, there I am touching people across the country. :o)

Anonymous said...

Great post. too funny.

Thats it, you must come to Fantasy Island and spank the hell out of JP. He is tied up and bound there for being naughty.

Zelda said...

Vader - I'm afraid JP will hit me in the eye with his splooge.

Zelda said...

Wow. Jason Mulgrew - Internet quasi-celebrity. I'm humbled and honored, sir.

jp said...

Z - Even as good as I am, I don't think I can splooge on your eye from 3000 miles away. I'm good, but I'm not THAT good. :o)

Zelda said...

I have no idea Angi. But any quasi-celebrity, be it internet or otherwise, is a friend of mine.