Tuesday, September 14, 2004


I'm sick. My kids are sick. We have the plague. Fever. Sore tight throats. Fever. And I can't get any rest. I was shivering in bed this morning and my baby crawled in with me. She was feverish too. I shamelessly used her as a hot water bottle to warm me up. She is little and soft.

So Jethro has dived right into the realm of the political. Very interesting. Most of our conversations, when we're not coming on to each other, are about politics. Hopefully blogging will give him better arguments because I trounce him regularly. Actually, we pretty much agree politically. It would be very hard for me to be married to someone with whom I disagreed. I think James Carville and Mary Matalin are the weirdest couple to ever grace D.C. Just seeing them makes me think that politics must be a crock of shit.

Anyway, I have to go lay down. My head is splitting and I feel pounds of snot coming on.

Hopefully I'll have something funny to write tomorrow.


jp said...

You just need some protein...seek Jethro out, immediately.

Zelda said...

Ah yes, my hair is looking a little lifeless.

Zelda said...

I think she's fecking insane. And it really makes me wonder if all the political bickering means anything at all.

Traci Dolan said...

*Hugs* and protein is good!!

jp said...

So where's the funny post?

Zelda said...

Inanna - Thanks. Still feel miserable. Can't talk, can't type. It sucks because I am seldom sick. I just can't deal with it very well.

JP - Same as above except for the "thanks." :-)