Friday, April 08, 2005

Jethro's Greatest Fantasy

Zelda: Remind me to do Carmen Electra when we get home.

Jethro (after coming to from his dead faint): Um... Okay.

Jethro finally bought me Carmen Electra's striptease workout dvd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On : 4/9/2005 11:07:47 AM angi (www) said:

Tooo Fuuuunnnnnnnyyyyy!.

Did he watch you work out?


On : 4/9/2005 11:27:54 AM Zelda (www) said:

Nope, he watched Carmen work out.


On : 4/10/2005 12:10:12 AM tinyhands (www) said:

Finally something to get him in the mood to have sex with you.


On : 4/10/2005 1:28:33 PM Jeanette (www) said:

That's so hilarious. Wasn't it kind of hard to see the video with Jethro in the way, though? ;)


On : 4/10/2005 2:08:22 PM Ciggy (www) said:

I saw on MTV a few nights ago, girls who are ALREADY GORGEOUS getting plastic surgery to become clones of Carmen Electra. It was just wrong. I could see doing that if the girl were ugly to start with, but not drop-dead-gorgeous blonde models. It should be against medical protocol or something.


On : 4/10/2005 2:12:27 PM Zelda (www) said:

Tinyhands - sarcasm will get you nowhere, Mr.

Jeanette - He was off to the side

Ciggy - It definitely should be. But I think most plastic surgery should be illegal. If you're ugly, develop your mind and derive your self confidence from that.


On : 4/11/2005 11:43:58 AM Jpck20 (www) said:

well I was kinda hoping for a different sort of post with that title... but.. hope you had a good workout!!!