Folks, I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.
I posted an interview with Aayan Hirsi Ali on Payasita. If you have to ignore this rant to read it, please do. Her words are invaluable and she will not be long for this earth if the frothing psychos have their way.

And whoever thought the Danes would be the first continental Europeans to grow a pair (if you can call getting burnt out of your embassies over a few cartoons 'growing a pair'). I'm not mocking them or I would have to mock our own government who ignored the threat of islamo-terrorism for 30 years. And come to think of it...
But I am enthusiastically supporting the patronage of Danish products in retaliation for the Muslim boycott.

Is there anyone Muslims won't kill? Just curious.
But seriously. Look at the little girls who were beheaded. LOOK AT THEM. Schoolgirls on their way home. Full-grown Muslim men cut the heads off little girls. And these knuckle-dragging primates are moronic enough to riot over a few cartoons? Is it genetic?
I've heard the theory (excuse) for the violence is that the cartoons portray Muslims as terrorists. I beg their fucking pardon, but it's the Muslims who are portraying Muslims as terrorists. I mean really. "How dare you call us terrorists, you Jew-loving-infidel-pig/whores-may-your-heads-be-cut-off-and-Allah-be-praised. Let's burn some shit up and shoot some people so everyone knows we're not terrorists."
It would be funny if that was the intent of the hordes, but it isn't. They want to intimidate the rest of the world into keeping their mouths shut and accepting their intolerant religion without fear of criticism or accountability. That is the nature of terrorism. It's what the Muslim governments have done to their own people for centuries now, and that is how they have stayed in power.
But those who defend, excuse, mitigate, and justify this savagery are simply too cowardly to stand up to tyranny. And I have less respect for them than I do the slavering mob.
A friend of mine is a Somali linguist (tracking the bad guys and taking them down in the Air Force) and she says the "how's your day been... praise be to Allah?" shit throws her the most during translation.
Good for your friend. Tell her we appreciate her work. My parents lived for a long time in the Middle East. My sister was born in Iran. They thought that shit was quaint, but then again, they did not have a bunch of screaming wahabbis at their throats. At least not right away.
Brilliantly stated, Zelda. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Thank you, Phlegm. :-)
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