Friday, June 25, 2004

OK, So I'm Drunk

I've never actually been drunk and writing before. I've written

about being drunk, but not the other way around. It is weird.

I'm reminded of the last time I was drunk which was at an

Aerosmith concert about a month ago. It was at an outdoor vemue

and it was pooring rain and thunder and lightning. The most

obvious way out of the concert was along a trail that led to the

parking lots. Even though you didn't have to follow it,

everyone did and it was really slow going. I felt like one of a

gigantic herd; each bovine mindlessly following the one in

front. The collective moaning about how wet or drunk we were

was like the lowing of miserable cattle. Without giving it a

whole lot of thought, I said, "Wouldn't it be funny if this were

a procession of the damned and we were all on the road to

Perdition?" I swear that just as I said the last word, a huge

streak of lightning forked across the sky followed immediately

by a deafening clap of thunder. I don't think anyone

appreciated it, and I can't blame them.


Anonymous said...

Hey great post as always. Drunk and able to write well, im very impressed. Im drunk too, well at least buzzed, im afraid im a little impaired in the writing area.
Happy Friday!

Traci Dolan said...

I'm jealous, so jealous. Aerosmith, lightning, thunder.. and the drunkenness. I would have laughed and then shaken to the foundations of my toes squishing in the mud.

Traci Dolan said...

I'm jealous, so jealous. Aerosmith, lightning, thunder.. and the drunkenness. I would have laughed and then shaken to the foundations of my toes squishing in the mud.

Zelda said...

I just read that last entry. There were some pretty bad spelling errors, but I will let them stand as a testament to my drunkness. I seem to get a little gothic when I've been drinking. Lightning. Thunder. Procession of the damned.

Zelda said...

Bingo. Exactamundo. This was the second Aerosmith concert I've been to there and it stormed both times. This last time we brought umbrellas and tarps, but it did no good and we were soaked anyway. It was great.

I had my first real kiss at the pavillion. Another story.