Friday, October 08, 2004

The Lighter Side of Racism

A few posts back, I said that Jeth and I had never, as a couple, been subjected to any racially insensitive comments. That is mostly true, but there was one time where someone said something ignorant. It was so dumb though, that I forgot to mention it. Actually, it's pretty funny. There was this lady (and I use the term loosely) who worked in the same real estate office I used to. She was an agent and a raging whore. Most real estate agents are old and unattractive ladies, but there is a small yet noticeable minority who are somewhat younger and extremely slutty. This agent is one of them. She is so gross that she actually turned a handsome young man gay after he'd slept with her in drunken one night stand. I know people say it can't happen, but it's no lie. At the very least, he came out of the closet much sooner than he might have otherwise. I guess he figured that there was less shame in being with a man. He was right. I'll call her Raging Whore.

One day, I brought a picture of my family into the office. Raging Whore stopped in to do her usual phony schmooze act and happened to see it. Loudly, so everyone in the office could hear what an intellectual she was, she exclaimed, "I didn't know you were married to a CAUCASIAN!" I'm pretty sure she meant Asian, but she was an idiot, so I'm not positive.

I said, "I'm not. My husband is Vietnamese." She said (loudly still, so everyone would know her as a genius), "Yeah, I can tell because of the eyes. But I always thought the men were kind of small." She spread her thumb and forefinger about 3 inches apart and held it at waist level.

Now, I'm not in the habit of discussing my husband's penis size in front of large office crowds, but I've also never been one to flinch at impropriety. I laughed (because really, it was funny) and said, "I don't know how many ASIAN guys you've been with, but my husband's just fine, thank you." I spread my palms about 12 inches. A slight exaggeration. Sorry Jeth. :-)

Raging Whore's eyebrows shot up as high as her skirt. One thing I'll give her is that her bigotry (?), racism (?) (I have no idea what to call it) dissolves at the rumor of a big dick.

Poor Jethro has been the victim of her curiosity for awhile and he has learned to avoid her like the walking corpustle she is.

Like everyone else, we'll probably be gone for most of the weekend. Have fun everyone!


tinyhands said...

So this woman is available??

Jay said...

Sounds like she probably uses the word "cauc", but with a different spelling frequently, so that's why she added it to "asian".

Jay (a new "Jay", not the other one you've linked)

Zelda said...

Fleece - It was hysterical

Tiny - She is most definitely available. But you better be well endowed. The Great Wall of China couldn't satisfy her.

Jay - I have no idea what her deal was, but I am sure that she was an idiot.

Jay said...

I'm sure you're right, she is an idiot. My comment was just a rather pathetic attempt at humor.

As I said in a reply to the "kid walking in" post, I really like your blog. Please take a look at Kitti and my blog (which is perhaps a bit dull for graphic content for the past few days but rich in marital issues).


Zelda said...

Sorry, my brain is behind a couple of hours. Are you hinting for a link? ;-) ;-)

tinyhands said...

I do have 12 inches, just not all at the same time.

Jay said...

At 2:44 PM, Zelda said...
Sorry, my brain is behind a couple of hours. Are you hinting for a link? ;-) ;-)
Gee, was I that obvious? Yes, but only if it meets your approval.


Jay said...

At 2:44 PM, Zelda said...
Sorry, my brain is behind a couple of hours. Are you hinting for a link? ;-) ;-)
Gee, was I that obvious? Yes, but only if it meets your approval.


Jay said...

Sorry, there I go poorly editing and double posting.

Traci Dolan said...

ZeeZee - You should put a 2X4 on her chair.. you know to keep the next guy from falling into her yawning chasm...

Jammie J. said...

Racism, bigotry ... umm, I think "ignorant" would be a good choice of terms. Selective Slut could work, too. Of course, you know she's laid every asian she can spot just to see if she's been wrong all this time.

Jammie J. said...

Hey, Zelda, a little off topic, but have you seen these items that support Bush/Cheney? LINK

Anonymous said...

Great post sweetie.

Married to a black man, and having a "mixed" son, Ive been subject to idiots too.

Usually the stereotype for black men, is opposite however.

"was he big"?

now that we are divorced, my answer is NO. Its the truth too. lol

I also love the idiots who ask "what is he?" when referring to my son. You really cant tell his race..... he looks just.... other.

Awwww foools.

Love you guys. Have a good weekend.

Zelda said...

Jay - I guess I'll link you since you hinted so nice :-)

Inanna - Fucking LOL!!!

Jeanette - That slut would fuck her grandfather. And those shirts are great. But it is hard to picture conservatives being overly appreciative. Fuck 'em though. I'll use any excuse to wear Chicks heart Dick across my chest.

Zelda said...

Vader - I know what you mean. All these stereotypes about dicks. But there is nothing more detrimental to a man's self-esteem than for people to assume he has a small one. It sucks. I feel really bad for Asian guys sometimes. That's why they front so hard with the cars, and the clothes, and the more they try, the worse the stereotype gets. Awful.

And I get comments all the time asking what my kids are mixed with. I don't really take it personally because I've never gotten the impression that the person asking thought it wasn't cool.

Zelda said...

Aww baby, I don't care about people's ignorance. Proving them wrong is part of the fun. Actually, proving my penis size to some strange woman might upset you. Alright, so you exaggerated slightly. (and I do mean SLIGHTLY) LOL!

Anonymous said...

On : 10/15/2004 10:25:38 AM Big Ed (www) said:

Living in Houston what are my chances that I can run into the "Ragin Whore" to get a look at her!!

I started reading your blog a while, very interesting - keep UP the good work -

Big Ed