Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Ears of a Snowman

When I dropped Emma off at daycare today, a little boy came running up to me with a snowman he had made out of blue and pink and green clay. It looked fine except for two lopsided, cone-like things sticking out of his head. I knew better than to ask, but I did anyway. He looked at me like I was mildly retarded and informed me that they were his ears. Dumb me. Incidentally, he and Emma are pretty tight. I think the "get" each other.

New Topic

I play the guitar a wee tiny bit. Not well, mind you, but I can eke out a few chords and play for the girls. I'm glad I learned because some of my best childhood memories are of singing to my Dad's guitar.

Now being the ever-intrepid, I got the bright idea of using audioblogger to record me singing with the girls. I was alone when I had this idea, so I decided to try it by myself first.

Let me just state something for the record to you people out there who think you have a good voice. You don't. At least not as good as you think it is. Surprisingly the recording came out ok. But I discovered that I don't play the guitar very well at all, I sound slightly congested when I sing, and I mumble a little. Very disheartening. No American Idol for me.

So, in short, if you see an audio blog, it will most likely be the case that sheer ego has won out over any type of common sense.

You have been forewarned.


Anonymous said...


You are beautiful and amazing my dear.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, as always, Vader.

Anonymous said...

On : 11/17/2004 9:09:09 AM jp (www) said:

I've sung in a band, so I'm pretty sure I can carry a tune. I'd love to learn to play the guitar....maybe that'll be my "Thing for 2005."


On : 11/17/2004 9:15:21 AM Zelda (www) said:

I sang in a band too. Actually, I screamed in a band. When I was in high school a friend of mine had a heavy-metal band, and they decided it would be cool if a girl would come and scream at appropriate intervals during their songs. They talked me into it.


On : 11/17/2004 10:22:19 AM Fleece (www) said:

hahaha! Can't wait! And at least you're not William Hung carousing about in a unitard.

If you don't get it, don't ask. It's quite the disgusting image.


On : 11/17/2004 10:27:41 AM Zelda (www) said:


I've tried so hard to ignore the hell out of him. It embarrasses me when someone doesn't get the joke especially if it's on him. I mean, I detest political correctness, but have some self-respect, man.


On : 11/17/2004 10:34:49 AM Inanna (www) said:

The only peeps who should consort about in unitards are a 1970's Rod Stewart and Justin Hawkins from "The Darkness." And no one sounds the same on the phone or recorded... I'm sure you did fine honey!!!


On : 11/17/2004 10:41:28 AM jp (www) said:

I don't scream. Well, sometimes.


On : 11/17/2004 11:14:58 AM Zelda (www) said:

I am a huge conformist when it comes to unitards. No one should wear them, EVER. Because even if you look half-way decent in one, wearing them only encourages people who have no business in them.

Incidentally, I've decided which emoticons best represent the faces Jethro and I made when the girls caught us in the sack.




On : 11/17/2004 1:09:25 PM Gooch (www) said:

When I got married I learned these two things (among others):

1) My singing voice stinks
2) My wife is far more willing to inform me of this than my mother was


On : 11/17/2004 1:11:13 PM Zelda (www) said:

Gooch - Funny how spouses have no interest in sparing your feelings.


On : 11/17/2004 1:14:07 PM Jeanette (www) said:

I can't play an instrument to save my life. But, I can too sing. I can, I can, I can. Really. I can. The only problem is stage fright makes me forget the words. But I can sing.


On : 11/17/2004 8:32:26 PM Fleece (www) said:

Oh Z, it was for some video he did. It was harlequinesque, with the black and white diamond design. created the illusion that his package...was, er..existent.

To be honest, it looked like he was packing a couple of grapes and a lipstick tube.


On : 11/17/2004 10:56:25 PM angi (www) said:

I'm with Jeanette, I couldn't play an intstrument if you put a gun to my head and told me you would pull the trigger if I didn't.

But I can sing. Stage fright aside, I can sing. Harmonies are my specialties. Love them. DOn't ask me to lead, but alto, tenor, let me at 'em.


On : 11/17/2004 11:40:39 PM Jeanette (www) said:

Angi, you are more talented than I. Singing harmony is a special gift, indeed (and I mean "special" in all the right ways, BTW). I can harmonize, but it takes hours of practicing for me to get it right.


On : 11/18/2004 1:38:52 AM Zelda (www) said:

Fleece - Oh Geez - It's as bad as I tried SO hard NOT to imagine.

Jeanette & Angi - I can sing harmonies and melodies, and I have almost perfect pitch, but my voice isn't as strong as I think it is.


On : 11/18/2004 8:06:12 AM Fleece (www) said:

Almost perfect pitch? That's pretty good! I used to sing in a choir, did a few alto solos and I can certainly carry a tune. I can't, however, play the guitar or piano apart from the few chords that I recall by touch. I'd love to get back into singing again.

Um...sorry about the visual.


On : 11/18/2004 9:14:18 AM Zelda (www) said:

Fleece - Don't apologize. Do I seem like the type to really and truly be bothered?


On : 11/18/2004 10:58:51 AM Fleece (www) said:

By that?? Hell yeah. It'd bother anyone.


On : 11/18/2004 11:43:38 AM Zelda (www) said:

You have a point.


On : 11/18/2004 1:12:51 PM Jeanette (www) said:

For some reason the title of this post reminds me of something sexual. Whenever I leave my socks on during sex, my fiance calls them ear warmers.