Thursday, August 05, 2004

More from Band Camp

When my First Baby was a few months old, Jethro and I took her to see some of our friends from college. We were the first of our group to have a baby, so it was a real event. She was passed around like a joint and finally ended up with our friend, Dom. Dom is half-black and half Vietnamese and is extremely ripped. Jeth and I were talking to some people when Dom came up with Eldest and asked, "Um guys, what's she doing?" We looked up and saw Eldest clutching his giant pec and sucking his nipple through his shirt. Luckily he was a pretty clean guy because it almost took a crowbar to pry her loose. Dom was a little embarrassed, but still thought it was funny. He did give me a sympathetic look when we left.

Johnny5 has a little poll going, and I very badly want to win in at least one category. I realize the ethical dilemma of voting that you would like to kiss or sleep with a married lady, so I am perfectly willing to win the cliff tossing category. In fact, it looks as if that is my best shot. But I wouldn't cry if I pulled ahead in one of the other categories either. So exercise your rights and vote. For me. Thanks.

P.S. If too many people are grossed out by my baby trying to nurse off of a man, let me know. I will capitalize it and put it in bold italics.


Anonymous said...

hey sweetie.
i think your one cool ass chick too.


Zelda said...

God I love you Vader. If I were a man..... ;-)

Zelda said...

Glad you are laughing Angi - I was worried that it might really offend.

Johnny5 said...

I'd say it's better for a baby to think you're a bitch than for a dog. The grass is always greener....

Zelda said...

True to you, chief.