Someone sent me this picture a long time ago and I meant to post it then, but I forgot. It serves her right for forcing her new husband to release his masculinity in such a cheesy way. Somehow I just know it was her idea.
Anyway, let this brighten up your Day of Rest. Or your Monday if that's when you happen to see it. Tuesday latest. Any later, and my ego will be crushed.
Emma is laboring under the delusion that the phrase "spicy soup" is a bad word. She informed me of this in hushed tones one day as I was making chicken soup. Not spicy chicken soup, just regular. I said that it wasn't, but then I wondered if she had picked up some set of parents' naughty phrase from their brat at preschool. About a week later, she told me proudly that she said, "spicy soup" at school. She had an impish grin on her face, so it's quite possible she shocked the under 5 set with her daring.
I still haven't figured it out, so if someone is aware of a double meaning to the phrase "spicy soup," I'd appreciate the information.
If you read Jethro's blog, you'll know that Gwennie's team won their first basketball game of the season. This whole season has been beset by problems mostly due to the coach quitting at the last second. The hardest part is that we have the best player in the league on the team. She is a real tomboy with serious skills. She is a team player, but a real competitor. It has been so hard on her to have never won a game. We've had some blowouts, some close ones, and some real heartbreakers, and each loss weighs that much heavier on her. But she has held it together and practiced like crazy. Jethro took over their practices and taught her how to do a layup. She is the only player in the league who can do one and during a game no less. That's going to torture us when she plays against Gwennie in future seasons.
But today, Mattie got her reward, and they beat the best team in the league 24-18. And all 5 girls had to play the whole game while the other team had an extra player they could sub in. It was a sweet, sweet victory. I wish I could have seen it, but I was staying with Jethro's grandmother while his family ran errands. The doctors still only give her three months tops, but what do they know? 3 weeks ago they were saying days.
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