Monday, June 21, 2004

Power of the.....

You know the advertisements in the banner above your blog? They are advertising a course in overcoming your fear of public speaking above my last post. I can kind of see the correlation between that and amateur porn, but it seems like kind of a stretch.

My Saturday night consisted of starting off for a party, then deciding that we didn't really want to go. I know it was rude, but we were really tired. Baby had been sick with a fever and I had to get Tylenol for her at 3am the previous evening. I was really tired. So we went to the liquor store, got a bottle of hooch, took the kids to grandma's, and proceeded to do what any normal people our ages would do if they were single -- get drunk and screw. Somethimes I think we have an inordinate amount of sex for married people. Oh well. What's the point of being married if you can't do it whenever you want?

I swear I can't understand wives who turn their husbands down a lot. It doesn't make any sense. I mean, for any conservative or traditionalist, not having sex before you are married is admired and encouraged. Fine. I can agree with that. But after you're married, what's stopping you? I don't get it. I held off having sex with anyone for a very long time (a graphic picture of genital herpes had a lot to do with it). But now that I'm married and Jethro was thoroughly tested (I know all of his exes and I insisted), I can't see what purpose is served by holding out. Maybe I'm horny and slutty and was just too chicken to acquire a high number of partners before I was married.

I have a theory though. I think some women use sex to get what they want even when they're married. ESPECIALLY when they're married. I find however, that if I give it up on a frequent and regular basis, I can pretty much get and do whatever I want. I can be a slob, I can work a low-paying job, I can prod Jethro into going to Chiropractic school and getting ulcers from all the stress. Just for giving it up 3-4 times a week. Not bad, seeing as I get to come to.

Okay, I am sure I have more to offer Jeth than just pussy. I'm sure of it. But to be completely honest, whatever else there is, he can just take it or leave it. I don't insist upon his recognition of my accute mental qualities, or my musical talent, or my rapist (hee hee, lest anyone think I'm retarded) wit, or my ability to catch a frisbee. As long as he's not after any other pussy.

Now that I've made myself sound sexist and whorish, I think I'll quit. Over and Out.


jp said...

Z - you're too funny!! Love this post. Sums up a lot of marriages.

Zelda said...

I have eight sisters. No joke. I love them, but they are probably the reason why I get along better with guys.

Zelda said...

I'd love to, but I can't figure out how to do it. Jeth promised he'd help me when he's done with his midterms.

jp said...

Z - Well, tell Jethro to get his priorities straight!! :o)

Anonymous said...

Great post Zelda. Im glad I found your site, your Awesome! Zelda and Jethro... love it. Yes, turning down a husband for sex is bad, women should love sex, and want to procreate as much as possible. HOwever, there are times to say "no". When you marry because of a pregnancy, and your abuse ass husband is a cheater... And, when your mate hasnt showered for days and smells like stale farts, and when the kids are awake in the next room listening at the wall...

Zelda said...

Amen Angi. If that's where I am in 15.5 years, I will be a satisfied woman.

Vadergrrl - I know common sense is required - I mean you don't have to lie in bed nekkid all day just so your man can do you as soon as gets in from the fields, I'm just saying that sex shouldn't be used to get something else - like the garbage taken out. Unless, of course, that is your particular game, in which case I say go for it. I just think that if you love him, boink him.

Zelda said...

By the way, thanks for the comments. I maintain the position that I am a whore for feedback :-)

Manda said...

i agree.... give your man what he needs and deserves and he won't need to look anywhere else....